

A funeral marks the end of a person's life here on earth. The death of a loved one can evoke a range of emotions, and we are here to offer any support you may need. Each person experiences grief differently, shaped by their own memories and feelings. A funeral service provides an opportunity to express these emotions, honour the person who has passed, and place them in God’s care.

In times of loss, we can find comfort in knowing that every life is precious, and that God’s love extends to all. Through Christ, we have hope in both life and beyond death, believing that death is a transition to eternal life. During this difficult time, may you find solace in the promise that God’s grace surrounds you and your loved ones.

Organising a Funeral

To organise a funeral, whether at St Barnabas Church or a crematorium, you should first contact your Funeral Director. They will then liaise with us and the crematorium to arrange a suitable date and time.

Once the arrangements are in place, we will reach out to you to schedule a meeting. During this meeting, we will discuss the service details, including the format, music choices, and readings. If you would like us to give a eulogy or tribute, we will ask for information about the deceased to ensure it reflects their life personally.

There is a fee for the funeral, but you don’t need to handle the payment directly. The Funeral Director will manage this as part of their service.

Memorial Services

For funerals held elsewhere in the country or abroad, families may find it comforting to hold a memorial service at St Barnabas Church. We are happy to discuss and arrange a service that offers solace and support to friends and family. Please email to enquire.

Remembrance and Support

Before and after a funeral, we remember those who have passed during our Sunday and Midweek services. Each year, we hold a special Remembrance Service on a Sunday evening to honour those who have died in the past year and previous. Families of those whose funerals we have conducted are invited, but all are welcome to join us. We remember each loved one by name and invite family members to light a candle, a gesture that many find comforting.

We are also available to visit and support those who are grieving and struggling with their loss. Please reach out to our Vicar, Rev’d Emma Sykes at

Further Information

For more information about funerals, visit: